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Tips for Defensemen to set you on your way to on-field success.

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If a man leaves to back up on a dodge, the whole defense slides a man, leaving the man farthest from the ball open.
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Only in extreme cases, should the defense man on the crease leave to back up. Example: To stop a play that would end up in a score.
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Never cross your feet while playing an attack man unless you are forced to run to keep up with him.
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Never throw a ball just to get rid of it.
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Always scoop a loose ball. Never draw (rake) it. If there is a crowd, go through and either kick it or scoop it up.
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When you check, make your check short and hard, making your check across the man’s forearm and following through with your body. Never raise your stick high to check.
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If a man dodges you, keep after him. You should catch him as your backer comes in from the front.
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Never pass a ball across in front of your goal.
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If you are after a loose ball, but your attack man is ahead of you, press him hard if you cannot come up with the ball, but don’t give him the opportunity to go around you.
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After the man you are playing throws a ball, step back two steps quickly and be ready for a cut. Also always look in the direction of the ball as you drop off. Don’t turn your back on the ball.
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As the man you are playing starts a pass, check across his arms, but don’t step in.
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A. If the ball is out front, and your man is behind the goal, play on the pipe of the cage on the side of the goal your man is on. B. If the ball is behind the goal and your man is behind also although without the ball, go behind with him.

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